Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Teachers eat???

Yes...teachers do eat...they don't just go back into the classroom cupboard at the end of the day and stay there, standing upright anbd doll-like, uptill 8am the following day.
In order to lead by example, I decided to photograph my own lunch.
Note the lack of mayo and white bread!


  1. Dear Miss Tyler-Smith, this is Fiona Beal here from Fish Hoek Primary School. Are you coming to the National Computer Conference for Teachers in Cape Town next week (e-schools network)? It's called 'Bringing the World to your classroom' which you certainly do! I am giving a presentation on 'A classroom blog and a classroom wiki' and I wondered if you would mind me showing your blog as one of my examples of exciting classroom blogs to visit? Hope this is okay with you? Many thanks. (PS - I noticed a grammatical error in my first comment and so deleted it and rewrote it - sorry!)

  2. Good afternoon Miss Tyler-Smith

    Your lunch looks good and delicous. Its nicely presented.

    Jade, Grade 5, South AFrica


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