Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Post in Response to Charlotte's Questions

This POST is for Charlotte because she asked these questions on our blog. 
She is from Australia. Here is a link to HER class Blog.

Q.1 Could you please describe normal school day?

We arrive at school anytime from 7:30 till 8am. Some get dropped off by parents in cars, some bike to school. None of the children use public transport. We start school at 8am when we line up in the quad in class lines (a square shaped cement-covered area outside the classrooms.) The teachers greet us and give us any news or instructions for the day.
8:00 We enter our classroom and unpack our bags, putting our bags outside in the passage. We hand our homework diaries to our teacher on her desk so that she can check that our parents signed and reply to any msgs. We read quietly till 8:15 while she does this.
8:15 We have English class for 45min.
9:00 We go to Maths with our old Grade 4 teacher, Mr Johnson for an hour.
10:00 We have a tea break where we run and play or sit and chat to our friends.
10:20 We return inside for an hour of Afrikaans (a South African language stemming from Dutch) with the Grade 6 teacher, Mrs Swart.
11:20  We have free research time, this time is for us to do online/book research on any topic we like, study of finish work.
11:50 On Mon, Wed and Fri we have an hour of either Geography/History/Science and on Tues and Thurs we have an hour of sport during this time
12:50 we have a 30min lunch break. We bring packed lunches from home. The boys like to play soccer and the girls sit in circles and talk.
13:20 We have either Life Skills, Technology, Computers, Art or Music for an hour.
14:20 Home time but most of us stay for an extra 30min homework period where we can ask for help with our homework.

Q.2 What are some of your favorite celebrations? (List them)
1. Christmas!
2. Easter
3. New Years Day

Q.3 If you could pick one country to live in apart from South Africa what would it be?
England, America and Australia were the most common answers the students gave.

Q.4 Do you have a school uniform? If so please describe it.
Yes, In Summer it is a gray skirt or shorts with white shirt with a navy jumper. Black sandles and white ankle socks for the girls and black closed shoes and gray knee length socks for the boys. Our teachers chose this uniform because its so easy to find in the shops it is the cheapest. Some of the girls try to get away with wearing pink hair clips and elastic hair bands but our teachers remind them that only navy is allowed. The boys socks are always falling down and drives poor Miss Tyler-Smith crazy. Every time we come in from break she says to the boys "Socks, shirts and laces, boys!"
We are allowed to wear civvies (casual clothes) on the second last day of term, when we have our fun day/cake sale.

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